indra Prabhu
This website is dedicated to preaching and inspiring harinama-sankirtana around the world. Here you can find all the recordings of Aindra prabhu's kirtans, lectures, and talks on the importance of nama-bhajan in relation to sankirtana and japa, the holy dhama, deity worship, sadhu-sanga and krsna-katha, as well as the practice of raganuga-bhakti and vraja-bhakti as the goal of life and much more. You can read his book "The Life and Soul of Transcendental Book Distribution", his biography, the texts of his articles and letters, and the transcribed texts of his lectures and talks. In addition, many photos, videos, and links to other sites and resources are available here. With the blessings of Sri Sri Guru-Gauranga and all the vaisnavas, we hope to further inspire devotees to perform selfless sri-krsna-sankirtana and unalloyed devotional service in the sankirtana movement of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Kirtaniyah sada harih!
he Book
“The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution“
1"The Life and Soul of Transcendental Book Distribution" is part of Aindra prabhu's prema-bhajan and a reliable ticket to the exponential increase of the desire (lalasa) and greed (lobha) for vraja-prema-bhakti in the mood of the Divine Couple's trusted servants. 2Aindra prabhu speaks about the distribution of books, vraja-svarupa, nitya-seva, the original position of the soul, and the supreme vraja-prema-bhakti given by the gaudiya acaryas. 3We have published the entire book of Aindra prabhu online so that you can also get in touch with the hidden truths stated in it.
irtan is
our bhajan
”Aindra dasa
hour kirtan at
Sri Vrndavana-dhama
”neophyte. To each and every one of us, ALL the opportunities are given. We just have to allowourselves to see them...”
here is no excuse forremaining a perpetual
Sripad Aindra prabhu