about Aindra
about Aindra
Kirtan Revolution
A personality like Aindra Prabhu cannot be described in one book. Meditative and explosive, serious and comic, shy and outrageous, simple and complex, a dedicated and expert musician, scholar, pujari, kirtaniyah, teacher, and disciple, Aindra was a composite of diverse, even contradictory qualities, and often misunderstood. But he was always intense. And not merely different, but unique, seeming to be not of this world or bound by it. Whatever one’s view is of Aindra’s ideas, his potency can’t be denied, and even today he remains a leader on the front line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s sankirtana movement, his kirtans touching hearts and transforming lives around the world, continuing to attract people to and support them in Krsna consciousness.about Aindra