24 Hour kirtan
Krsna-Balaram mandir 24 hour kirtan-mandali is dedicated to the propagation of hari-nama-sankirtana (the loud congregational chanting of the Holy Names of God). It is unequivocally affirmed in all authoritative scriptures that in kali-yuga, this present age of quarrel and strife, the only viable method of attaining complete self-purification, self-realization, and self-satisfaction is nama-sankirtana. Nama-sankirtana is the highest practice of (as well as the perfection of) yoga, meditation, and personal sacrifice. It is the highest expression of love for all living beings and the best course for attaining the highest plane of love of Godhead (vraja-prema). Material wellbeing follows spiritual wellbeing. Experienced transcendentalists glowingly confirm this simple truth. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has therefore emphatically stressed the selfless propagation of nama-sankirtana for the all-round perfection of human civilization. about AindraTo this end, members of the Krsna-Balaram mandir 24 hour kirtan-mandali continuously perform hari-nama-sankirtana by loudly singing the matchless Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Anyone wishing to advantage kali-yuga-dharma hari-nama-sankirtana in Vrndavana dhama, is cordially invited to cooperate with us and assist in this effort to please His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and all the acaryas in the disciplic succession coming from Lord Gauranga. Your association would be appreciated in terms of our mutual spiritual benefit.